贸易术语,商业用语; 贸易条件,贸易条款;
Successful negotiation of pricing and trade terms with local suppliers to ensure most competitive supply source.
——期刊摘选International trade terms to explain: What is the MFN clause?
国际贸易名词解释: 什么是最惠国待遇条款?
——期刊摘选International trade terms to explain: What is exchange - dumping?
国际贸易名词解释: 什么是外汇倾销?
互联网These trade terms have been developed by mercantile custom and standardized to a certain extent.
期刊摘选International trade terms to explain: What is a re - export trade?
国际贸易名词解释: 什么是 转口 贸易?
互联网He advocates, for instance, giving preferential trade terms for textiles from Afghanistan.
例如, 他提倡给予阿富汗的纺织品特惠的贸易条件.
互联网What to discuss all these trade terms when the prospects of obtaining licence are gloomy?
当获取许可证前景黯淡,这时讨论这些交易条件又有什么用 呢 ?
互联网Here six major trade terms are discussed.
互联网International trade terms to explain: What is free trade?
国际贸易名词解释: 什么是自由贸易区?
互联网International trade terms to explain: What is an international trade?
国际贸易名词解释: 什么是国际贸易额?
互联网It consists of currency, measurement unit, sum and trade terms.
包括币制 、 尺码单位 、 金额及交易条件.
互联网That is exactly what trade terms do.
互联网International trade terms to explain: What is the indirect trade?
国际贸易名词解释: 什么是间接贸易?
互联网The following chart sets out this classification of the trade terms.
互联网Please inform us of your trade terms and forward samples and product brochures.
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